TITLE: THINGS SOLD AT AUCTION TYPED: ZIPPO/INDY |1-Things sold at Auction The following listings are true accounts of some of the strager things that have been sold at auction and the price which the said objects fetched. 1. 1991 Soviet space capsule with 16 days of space flight on the clock sold for 1 millon francs, Paris 1992. 2. 1944 Spitfire £330,000, London 1987. 3. Mr spocks pointed rubber ears,£700.00,London 1992. 4. Napoleans Penis £2000.00,New York,1977. 5. Cigar that belonged to Winston Churchill £320.00,London,1983 6. Louis XVI commode, £1,200,000,Monte Carlo 1985. 7. Duke of Wellingtons Death mask £14,300, London.1988 8. Bottle of 231 year old Hock wine £260.00,London,1979. 9. 1934 Dinkey toy (Pickford removal van),£370.00,London 1978. 10. Black teddy bear £8800.00,London 1992. 11. First edition of the Beano without whoppee mask,£820.00,Scotland 1988 12. A 150 year old feather Golf ball,£11,000,London,1991. 13. The gun used to kill Lee Havey Oswald,£117.000,New York,1991. 14. Ships bench from the Titanic,£2000,00,London 1988. 15. Ships bell from the Lusitania,£11,000,London 1988 16. Shoes worn by Judy Garland in the Wizard of Oz,£91,600,New York,1988. 17. Blouse worn by Marilyn Monroe in Bus Stop,£7500.00,London,1988. 18. Black dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in Some like it hot,£19,800,London 1988. 19. Chinese 14th century porcelain vase that had been used as the base to and electric lamp £421,000.London,1984. 20. The earl of Warringtons chamber pot, £10,450. London 1984 21. Oldest known pack of painted playing cards, £99,000,London 1983. 22. 1720 Stradivarius Violin,£902,000,London 1990. 23. Charlie Chaplins Bowler hat and cane, £82,500,London 1987. 24. Elvis Presleys gun permit £1500,00, New York, 1988. 25. Tardis used by the first Doctor Who,£12,500,London 1992. 26. 1934 Celluiod of an early version of Donald Duck £174,390 New York 1990 27. Jimi Hendrix Guitar, £198,000, London,1990. 28. A 52 year old Mercedez Benz Roadster, £1,595,000, London 1988. 29. 19th Century condom (Bearing an erotic picture) £3,300,London 1992. 30. 1789 letter from Mozart to his wife, £605,500, London 1984. 31. The stone head of an Egyptian fertility doll £572,000. London 1991 32. Laurel and Hrdeys bowler hats, £11,000, New York, 1989. 33. The British Airways ticket used by Neville Chamberlin in 1938 for his trip to meet Hitler, £13,200, london 1992. 34. 51 unopened packets of bubbblegum showing smgy portraits of the Beatles,£880.00, London, 1992. 35. Noddys car, £500.00, London, 1192. 36. Elvis Presleys bellbottomed jumpsuit as worn on the cover of his 1972 Burning Love album, £13,200, London, 1992. 37. King Edward VIII abdication pen, £2,000. London, 1979. 38. Queen Victorias Bloomers £280, London, 1983. 39. Love letter written by the 13 year old Errol Flynn, £2,860, New York 1989. 40. Pen and ink nude self portrait of John Lennon, £8,800, London, 1981. Information taken from Yes Magzine a publiction of MGN News. END.